A precinct is the smallest political subdivision in Texas.
Precinct Chairs are the officials elected to oversee individual precincts. Their responsibility is to engage directly with voters in their geographic area.
Each party elects a precinct chair in their primary every two years. Precinct Chairs sit on the County Executive Committee (CEC), which conducts the local business of the Party.
Precinct Chair duties include:
Organizing their precinct and getting to know the people in the precinct
Mobilizing voters and encourage them to the polls to vote
Bridging the gap between voters and elected officials
Plugging volunteers into county-wide efforts and local Democratic campaigns
Supporting Democratic candidates and officeholders on their precinct’s ballot.
Encouraging voters to attend county conventions
Precinct Chairs need your help with postcard writing, voter registration, election work and more. Please contact your Precinct Chair and get involved today!
Precinct 320
AUSTIN KESSLER, Precinct Chair & Lead
Austin Kessler, a lifelong Democrat, has a BA in History from Grinnell College and an MBA in Public Administration and Finance from Cornell University. He worked in Washington, D.C. for nine years, four in the Office of Management and Budget and five for the Department of Health and Human Services before moving to Austin in 1990 to be the Director of Health Policy for the Texas Medicaid Program. He has previously served as precinct chair in Northwest Austin and worked extensively on Steve Kling's and Erin Zwiener's 2018 campaigns. He lives in Rolling Oaks with his wife, two dogs, one cat, and an ever expanding metal yard art collection.
Precinct 333
I've been a Democrat my entire life and have been an organizer and advocate for the Democratic Party's beliefs and goals since high school. Becoming a Precinct Chair was a life-long goal.
I came to Wimberley after I retired from a career in Media Technology, Film & TV Production and Education in Houston.
I love organizing, being part of the process, helping get out the vote and helping elect quality Democrats. It’s hard work, but I’m able to effect the change I’ve advocated for my entire life and make a difference in our community and beyond. What could be better than that?
I look forward to meeting everyone in Precinct #333 and working with you all to "Be the Change” we need in America because it starts with "We, the People!"
Precinct 335
I love being the Democratic Precinct Chair for 335. I'm a retired teacher who loves sharing information, and who loves the ideals of what our country can be. I am a Democrat because I feel strongly in equalizing the playing field for everyone. My goal is to help you vote Democratic. Voting is the cornerstone of our Democracy, and it is my passion.
Precinct 337
My name is Sandra Organ Solis and I have served as a Democratic Precinct Chair for Hays County precinct 337 since 2020. I live in Woodcreek North, where many new neighbors are moving to the Wimberley area. We need their voices and votes in staking claim to the quality, safety, and viability that their presence deserves in this community.
Precinct 338
Precinct 339
Sheri Scott has a PhD from the University of Arkansas in Soil and Environmental Science. She owns an environmental consulting company and is director of a non-profit. She works with farmers to manage manure in a manner to protect quality of surface and drinking water supplies. And she works with developers and land engineers to permit projects to protect on-site wetlands. She lives off Highway 12 between Wimberley and San Marcos with her teenage stepson, 2 dogs, and too many cats. She believes it’s time for a change to our approach to living in the United States. That we each need to amplify the message of the majority, and make engagement in the care of our country, our state, and our local communities a part of our daily routines. And we need to teach our children how to effect change, thereby ensuring the survival of democracy for generations to come.
Precinct 373
I’m a 34 year resident of Hays County.
I retired after 31 years working as an attorney for State agencies primarily involved with natural resource issues.
A life long democrat, when my first grade teacher asked for words starting with the letter “l”, I raised my hand and told her “LBJ”.